
  • Legislative Update Week Ending December 1 2017

    For information about town hall meetings near you in the final days of the week-long recess, call the local offices of your elected officials. You can find contact information for your Members of Congress right here. .On the other hand, critics of the proposal argue that people can't always determine the timing of the application for Social Security benefits. They say that people are often forced to retire earlier than planned due to health problems, layoffs, new technology, or needing to care for one's parent or spouse. They argue that raising the age for full benefits results in reducing the early, age 62 benefit even more than it already is today. .Call on your Member of Congress and urge them to sign on in support of the Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act, and in doing so stand up for millions of American seniors who depend on their access to their doctors and healthcare providers for everyday and lifesaving care. … Continued

  • Category Legislative News Page 37

    But 2 million retirees receiving Social Security benefits of less than 0 per month in 2018, won't see an increase after the deduction for their Medicare Part B premiums. Part B premiums will increase by more than .50, for this group of retirees because they are paying less than the current Part B premium of 4 today. This is due to the effects of the Social Security "hold harmless" provision. .Now I say neglect, because it's been 38 years since Congress has done anything to strengthen Social Security and 50 year since we have improved its benefits. .Report Says Drug Prices in U.S. Almost 3 Times Higher than Other Countries … Continued

Shopping For a Better Drug Plan NOW Can Put More Money in Your 2020 Budget .If signed into law, the Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act would amend the Social Security Act to allow individuals receiving "outpatient observation services" in hospitals to be considered "inpatients" so they may satisfy the three-day requirement for Medicare coverage of post-hospitalization care in skilled nursing facilities. Currently, Medicare does not cover skilled nursing care for those who spent time in the hospital under outpatient observation, and they are billed unfairly for necessary medical care. .The definition of disability under Social Security is different from other programs. Social Security only pays benefits for total disability, and none are paid for partial or a short-term disability. To determine if your husband is disabled, the Social Security Administration will examine the following: .Sources: "The Out-of-Pocket Cost Burden For Specialty Drugs in Medicare Part D in 2019," Juliette Cubanski, Wyatt Koma, Tricia Neuman, Kaiser Family Foundation, January 201 "How Trump's Latest Plan to Cut Drug Prices Will Affect You," Katie Thomas and Reed Abelson, The New York Times, February 5, 2019/ .The Senior Citizens League is conducting an online survey of healthcare costs experienced by Medicare beneficiaries and invites seniors and the disabled with Medicare to participate at . The information will be used to educate both lawmakers in Congress and the public about the financial challenges of keeping Medicare affordable for beneficiaries while ensuring program financing remains sound for the future. To learn more about changes to Medicare, get tips on reducing your Medicare costs and to participate in TSCL's new online Medicare healthcare cost survey visit: . .Fortunately, H.R. 3 is not the only legislation in either house of Congress that could lower drug prices and accomplish the other things necessary to fix Medicare and Social Security. .Source: "Audits Of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging," Fred Schulte, Center For Public Integrity," NPR, August 29, 201"Medicare Advantage: Fundamental Improvements Needed in CMS's Effort to Recover Substantial Amounts of Improper Payments, Government Accountability Office, April 2016. .The massive cost of both House and Senate tax bills, estimated to add .5 trillion to the deficit, will trigger automatic spending cuts in 2018 due to language in the Statutory Pay-as-You Go Act of 20The Act, commonly known as "pay-go", prevents legislation from adding too much money to the deficit. Because the .5 trillion cost of the bill is not adequately offset, the Medicare program will see billion in cuts in 2018, and other critical programs like Meals on Wheels would see their budgets slashed. Lawmakers have said they will pass legislation early next year to avert these cuts, but that remains uncertain. .The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) the agency within the Department of Labor that gathers information about prices that consumers pay in order to determine the inflation rate, and therefore the COLA for next year, has let it be known that because of the virus they are going to have to estimate some of the costs of goods and services instead of finding out what they actually are.