Three Family Members On Medicare Each With High Drug Costs
The CPI-E tends to grow more quickly than the CPI-W in most years, because it more accurately accounts for the percentage of income that retirees spend on healthcare and housing costs. Those two categories tend to increase several times faster than inflation, and tend to take a bigger share of retiree income. The CPI-E tends to give less weight to items like gasoline and consumer electronics which have fallen significantly in recent months and helped drag down the COLA for 2020. .This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate remained in their home states and districts for the two-week spring recess. Both chambers are scheduled to be back in session by Tuesday, April 25th. .Tests are underway in up to 26 states to move as many as 3 million "dual eligibles" — people who receive both Medicare and Medicaid — into managed-care health plans. … Continued
Could Your Benefits Be Notched
The Social Security Trustees further estimate that .9 billion in revenues in 2020 would come from the taxation of Social Security benefits. "Yet those revenues are also likely to be lower, impacted by both large numbers of older Americans who lost income from jobs, as well as from lower distributions from retirement accounts that have lost value from last year," Johnson notes. Under the CARES Act, retirees are allowed to completely waive required minimum distributions for 2020 from retirement accounts. .Social Security Subcommittee Discusses Disability Fraud .According to TSCL studies, Social Security benefits have lost more than 31% of their buying power since 2000. "Yet the vast majority of seniors can't absorb any loss in buying power," Cates says. According to the Social Security Administration, 53% of senior households depend on Social Security for more than half of their income. The median income of seniors aged 65 and older is just ,757 – only 220% above the federal poverty level for an individual. … Continued
After a much-anticipated mid-term election and an active "lame duck" session on Capitol Hill, the 114th Congress has officially begun and The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) is gearing up for another busy year. With the November elections behind them, lawmakers will finally be able to focus on some of the complex policy issues that sit high on their agendas, like deficit reduction, Social Security reform, and an overhaul of the immigration system. .Why Does My Doctor's Office Need to Call My Insurer Before Scheduling a CT Scan? ."Guest Worker" Immigration Reform Would Give Access to Social Security .Let your Representative know what you think! Ask him or her to co-sponsor, H.R. 2745, the No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants Act. Send an email here. .Fraud is so prevalent that prevention is only part of the solution. One in 20 seniors in the U.S. is a target of fraud schemes. Yet, the National Adult Protective Services Association has found that only one in 44 seniors report that they are victims of a fraud scheme, suggesting seniors lack information on how to file a complaint. .One glitch that trapped working seniors during the 2010 tax season involved the 0 economic stimulus payment beneficiaries received if they were getting Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), railroad retirement or veterans' disability compensation. The 0 payment reduced the Making Work Pay Tax Credit that working seniors could claim to a maximum of 0 (individual) or 0 (joint). The IRS withholding tables that employers used in 2009 and 2010, however, did not adjust for those payments. Compounding the problems for seniors, the problematic IRS withholding tables also allowed reduced withholdings for pensions — even though pension income was not even eligible for the credit. .Generations have watched big-government, socialist systems fail, one after another, in countries experimenting with soviet-style, centralized planning. Medicare-for-all would be no different, leading to longer wait times and lowered standards of care at an unsustainable cost to the American taxpayer. .However, taking this action would cause at least two difficulties for the President. Signing legislation to reduce Medicare spending on the drugs would generate official budget savings that Congress could have applied to other health-care legislation -- bills to expand insurance coverage or reduce other drug spending, for example. Executive action taken before a bill's passage would remove a key bargaining chip, and likely reduce the scope of a health-care bill expected in the coming months. .Please visit our Notch Reform Section for the most up-to-date information.