Patients Sent Home Quicker Sicker Hospitals Medicare Penalties Blame
Using the tool takes computer know-how, and interpreting the results can take some special training. You can get free unbiased help through your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). Call your local Area Agency on Aging. Check the number in your local phone book and when you call, say you need help comparing drug plans. .In the weeks ahead, The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) will continue to keep a close eye on the negotiations, and we will advocate for legislation that would protect and defend the earned benefits of older Americans. For progress updates, visit the Legislative News section of our website, or follow TSCL on Facebook and Twitter. .If he proceeds, Trump would force drug companies to accept lower payments from Medicare for treatments administered in doctors' offices. The rule would apply to certain drugs bought by the "Part B" section of Medicare. … Continued
Its August Congress Traditional Vacation Month
He announced that he would meet with the drug companies to discuss his plan, but top company executives subsequently refused to meet with him. The drug companies did develop their own proposal but it was rejected by the President. .TSCL Endorses Two New House Bills .The COLA also doesn't reflect cost increases in Medicare premiums and other rapidly growing Medicare costs. Research for The Senior Citizens League has found that Medicare Part B premiums are one of the fastest growing costs in retirement. Medicare Part B premiums, which are automatically deducted from Social Security checks, often consume most, or even all, of the COLA increase. … Continued
Compare your drug and health plan options NOW during the Medicare Open Enrollment period before it ends on December 7th. Does your current drug plan even cover your expensive new prescription? If not, you need to check your other options. Chances are another plan will. Use the Drug and Health Plan Finder at www.Medicare.gov. Make sure you carefully enter every prescription drug you take in order to get a custom comparison of your best drug plan choices. Costs can vary by hundreds, even thousands, of dollars, and you may be very surprised by the savings from switching to a better plan. .The following does not necessarily reflect the views of The Senior Citizens League. .In our meetings this week we were pleased to learn that the members of Congress whose offices we visited plan on once again co-sponsoring the Notch bill. We also were very encourages to learn that there is a new bill that would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision that has the best chance in years of moving out of committee and forward to the full House of Representatives for a vote. .After a much-anticipated election and an action-packed lame-duck session, the 113th Congress has officially begun and The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) is gearing up for a busy year. Although the November election did not drastically alter the makeup on Capitol Hill, TSCL is expecting many new successes and challenges to arise. With the election finally behind them, lawmakers are able to focus on some of the complex policy issues that sit high on their agendas, like deficit reduction, immigration reform, and comprehensive tax reform. .You should still watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you've been around someone who is sick. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested and stay home and away from others. .With 1.2 million supporters, The Senior Citizens League is one of the nation's largest nonpartisan seniors groups. Its mission is to promote and assist members and supporters, to educate and alert senior citizens about their rights an .Although immigration law forbids work without authorization, immigrants do find jobs, and the majority of employers report their earnings to SSA. Each year SSA receives hundreds of millions of W-2s. When the name and Social Security number (SSN) do not match SSA's records, the W-2 is held in the Earnings Suspense File (ESF). Recent data indicates that in recent years the ESF is growing at an unprecedented pace and the cumulative wages represented is now 5 billion. These wages can later be reinstated to valid Social Security numbers when immigrants gain work authorization. Because earnings are used to determine both the number of quarters of coverage worked for insured status, and the initial retirement benefit, this poses a substantial liability to the Social Security Trust Fund and would worsen its solvency. .Enrolled in Medicare Advantage? ,700 in Benefit Cuts by 2017 Predicted .TSCL recently delivered letters to every Member of Congress asking for their vote in favor of legislation. To learn more, visit .