Seniors Will Get 3 6 Cola Next Year But Lower Colas May Be Ahead
House Adjourns for Five-Week Summer Recess .TSCL Gears Up For Busy New Year .Money for Life: Turn Your IRA and 401(k) Into a Lifetime Retirement Paycheck, Steve Vernon, September 2012. … Continued
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Depending on the size of COLAs and the amount of the Medicare Part B premium increase in following years, it may well take Sally another year, possibly even longer, to see any increase in her net benefit. Meanwhile Sally's other household costs have made big jumps. .In his opening statement, HELP Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (TN) said: "Our focus today is on what happens to the cost of the drug after it is approved by the FDA. We will examine the path an approved drug takes from the manufacturer to patient, and how this path affects what the patient pays … This is a discussion that affects the well-being of every American family. It is important that we work together to conduct this fact finding in a bipartisan way." .Sen. Mazie Hirono (HI) introduced S. 960 on April 15, 201It has since been referred to the Committee on Finance. … Continued
Because the economic fluctuations were highly unusual and unforeseen, logic dictates that Congress could not have intended the benefits that Notch Babies actually received. The disparities in benefits under the actual conditions of double-digit inflation are illustrated in the following chart, which was not developed until 199Even if Congress had developed this chart in 1977, however, they would have seen benefit differences of only 10%-14% shown on the left-hand side of the chart. Instead, the effects of inflation are reflected by benefit differences of 13% to 30% shown on the right. In effect, the actual benefit reductions for many retirees were more than double what original projections would have been at the time. ."To put it in perspective, for every 0 worth of groceries a retiree could afford in 2000, they can only buy worth today," Johnson notes. To help protect the buying power of benefits, The Senior Citizens League supports legislation that would provide a modest boost in benefits and base COLAs on the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) or guarantee a COLA no lower than 3 percent. In addition The League has recently launched a campaign for a ,400 stimulus check to help Americans struggling to cope with high inflation. To learn more about these initiatives, visit . .Find out the full cost of your new drug and whether your drug plan covers it, every year. Case in point: Using the Medicare Drug Plan finder I learned that my client's new brand name prescription cost more than a month for a 30-day supply, and her drug plan did not cover it. Because she was lucky enough to be in the middle of the fall Part D Open Enrollment period, however, my client was able to save ,080 in uncovered out-of-pocket drug costs in 2011 by switching drug plans. She was able to enroll in a plan that provided better coverage and reduced her drug cost to a co-pay. Once you determine that a new prescription is your best option, check your drug plan coverage and what you will pay for it — and do this every year. If the drug is expensive, and if your drug plan doesn't cover it, or drops coverage, you may want to go back to your doctor to see whether there is a less costly prescription that you can try. You can check the coverage and full cost of the drug using the Medicare drug plan finder at www.medicare.gov. .Companies requiring mandatory arbitration say it saves money and time for resolving complaints. But older consumers still may wind up with legal fees, and may wind up having to pay a share of the arbitration fees. .Advancing age puts many retirees at risk of oral health problems. A common cause of cavities is dry mouth, a side effect of more than 500 medications. Periodontal disease is widespread, even though it can be prevented with regular visits to the dentist and cleanings. In addition, research shows a strong link between oral health and a host of other diseases. .The Senior Citizens League believes Congress can prevent the triggering of the Social Security hold harmless provision and eliminate spiking Medicare premiums entirely by providing an adequate COLA. This includes providing an emergency COLA or boost for 2021. .All of that raises questions about whether Democrats have enough votes to advance H.R. 3 out of the House, but in any case, it's highly unlikely that the bill could get the 60 votes necessary to defeat a filibuster in the Senate. . Mary: How does "anchoring" impact our decision-making? .Why Does My Doctor's Office Need to Call My Insurer Before Scheduling a CT Scan?