Category Tscl In The News Page 5
The extra time was needed because although both houses of Congress were finally able to pass the needed legislation, the bill was nearly 5,600 pages in length. It is probable that no member of Congress actually read the entire bill and likely very few Congressional staff members read it either. .The FDA has also seen unauthorized fraudulent test kits for COVID-19 being sold online. Currently, the only way to be tested for COVID-19 is to talk to your health care provider. .TSCL is working for the re-introduction of the Notch Fairness Act. This. Benefit Bulletin: August 2012 TSCL Chairman Larry Hyland Congratulates Representative Mike McIntyre (NC-7) … Continued
Whats Social Security Benefit Missing 113 Month
On Wednesday, Members of the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing called "The Coming Crisis: Social Security Disability Trust Fund Insolvency." They heard from a number of expert witnesses, including Carolyn Colvin, the Acting Social Security Commissioner. .In January, one-third of all Medicare beneficiaries will see a Part B premium increase of 22 percent – the highest increase in 27 years. Do you believe Congress should take action like it did last year to prevent the dramatic increase? .Important work is also being done on the federal, state, and local levels to build awareness and advance medical research. As part of the bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's, my colleagues and I have been working to address the growth of Alzheimer's. One piece of legislation that I am pushing is the Alzheimer's Accountability Act, which would increase coordination between the National Institute of Health, Congress, and the White House regarding the resources necessary to help treat Alzheimer's. Another bill, the Health Outcomes, Planning, and Education (HOPE) for Alzheimer's Act would help improve early diagnosing of Alzheimer's and strengthen support services for patients and their families. … Continued
Third, one new cosponsor – Senator Kamala Harris (CA) – signed on to the Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act (S. 469) this week, bringing the total up to twenty-two. If adopted, S. 469 would reduce prescription drug prices by allowing individuals, pharmacies, and wholesale distributors to safely import prescription drugs from abroad, where they are often much cheaper. .Some financial advisors say that there may be some tax advantages to taking money out now while valuations are lower. This information is not intended as investment advice. We strongly recommend that you contact the custodian of your 401(k) or your financial advisor and discuss a plan for your income needs and to explore potential sources of funds. .The Social Security Expansion Act (H.R. 1114) gained one new cosponsor in Congressman Donald Payne (NJ-10), bringing the new cosponsor total up to thirty-one. If signed into law, H.R. 1114 would enhance Social Security benefits by basing COLAs on the CPI-E, increasing monthly checks by around per month, improving the Special Minimum Benefit, applying the payroll tax to income above 0,000, and applying a 6.2% tax on investment income for wealthy individuals. ."We found consistently high U.S. brand-name prices regardless of our methodological decisions," said Mulcahy, a senior health policy researcher at RAND, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization. .The sharp plunge was the result of changes that Congress made in 1977 to a. Could Your Benefits Be Notched? The Notch Fairness Act Introduced in the House and Senate .The "Doc Fix" .The new effort could be part of a second package later this year and TSCL will closely examine the legislation once it is finally developed to see if it accomplishes our goals and whether we can support it. .Let's assume you are 30 months from attaining your full retirement age of 6Your monthly widow's benefit would be reduced about 11.9% or 2.60 and you receive ,328.80 or ,277.40 per month (,450 - 2.90 = ,277.40). Let's also assume you currently earn ,000 a year. Under the earnings restriction rule your benefit would be reduced for every over the limit, while you are under your full retirement age. Your earnings are ,360 over the annual limit (,000 – ,640 = ,360). Your benefits would be reduced by ,680 (,360/2 = ,680). That would leave you ,648.80 in benefits (,328.80 – ,680 = ,648.80). Social Security will withhold your benefits for 6 full months and you would then receive your ,277.40 monthly payment for six months. ., Editor