Category Legislative News Page 51
On Tuesday – three months later – a panel of three judges rejected the Obama administration's request in a 2-1 decision. They ruled that the state of Texas does have the legal standing to challenge President Obama's executive orders since implementing them will be costly to the state. .Single — your annual income is less than ,090 (,507.50 per month) and resources less than ,820 per year. .This week, lawmakers in the Senate adopted a budget resolution that lays the groundwork for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. In addition, The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) announced its support for three new bills in Congress. … Continued
Legislative Update For Week Ending May 23 2014
You can gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask. .This does not mean you should stop using hand sanitizers when you cannot thoroughly wash your hands. It just means you would be wise to throw out any of the above listed hand sanitizers if you have them. .Several unintended consequences have already resulted from the implementation of the new security policy. On Monday, customers of Verizon Wireless – the nation's largest wireless carrier – were unable to access their online accounts due to technical difficulties. In addition, those without access to text-enabled cellphones and those residing in areas with unreliable cellphone service found themselves locked out of their online accounts. … Continued
Earlier this year, a Congressional report referred to the AARP as a "massive for-profit enterprise" whose financial structure "conflicts with its legal requirements to ‘primarily operate to promote the common good and social welfare of a community of people.'" .In fact, your best bet, and one that could help you save hundreds of dollars on your health insurance costs, is to get the unbiased advice of a trained Medicare benefits counselor through your state Health Insurance Assistance Program. The program provides free one-on-one local health insurance counseling through many local Area Agencies on Aging. To find the agency nearest you, consult your phone book or The Eldercare Locator. You may find the information resources at www.eldercare.gov/Eldercare/Public/Home.asp or you may speak to an Eldercare Locator information specialist by calling toll-free at 1-800-677-1116 weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET). .If they are not included, we will continue to fight for them next year and each year until we are successful. .Tests are underway in up to 26 states to move as many as 3 million "dual eligibles" — people who receive both Medicare and Medicaid — into managed-care health plans. .Survey participants also support making changes to modestly increase benefits by using a senior CPI, the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E), to determine the annual cost of living adjustment (COLA), and to provide a boost of about per month. TSCL is meeting with Members of Congress to enact these changes. With 73% of survey participants reporting that their household expenses in 2015 rose by more than a month, while average Social Security benefits are stuck around ,250 due to low or no COLAs, TSCL is making a strong case that older Americans need a raise! .How to Protect Yourself and Others .Meanwhile, TSCL continues to work for passage of Notch Fairness Act, legislation that would provide ,000 payable in four annual installments, or an improved monthly benefit. The bill has been re-introduced in both the House and the Senate and has 22 co-sponsors. TSCL remains committed to Notch Reform and we continue to meet with Members of Congress to build support for this needed remedy. .By Noah Y. Kim SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 Kaiser Health News .Popular with Medicare recipients, Medicare Advantage plans typically offer very low, or even no, monthly premiums, lower costs for some services than traditional fee-for-service Medicare, and coverage for some services that traditional Medicare does not cover, such as dental and vision care. Enrollment in Medicare Advantage plans has more than doubled over the last decade, from 11.1 million in 2010, to 24.1 million in 2020. Ensuring the proper payment level is important not only for the federal government, but also for beneficiaries, since overpayments to Medicare Advantage plans drive up overall Part B costs and cause higher Part B premiums for all beneficiaries, even those not enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan.