
  • Legislative Update June 12 2019

    (Washington, DC) – The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) is calling on Congressional leadership to lift the federal budget debt ceiling and prevent a default on the federal debt — including the debt held by the Social Security Trust Fund. "Congressional inaction on the debt ceiling is a growing concern, " said TSCL in a letter to House and Senate budget leaders. "In prior debates to lift the debt ceiling, Social Security benefits have been used as a bargaining chip, and retirees have seen unexpected benefit cuts," the letter states. .As your mom moves through stages of Alzheimer's, she will need more care over time. The medicines used to treat Alzheimer's only control symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, but cannot cure the disease. The symptoms inevitably will get worse and because of this, eventually your mom will need more help than you can supply at home. .There could be several reasons that can cause sticker shock at the pharmacy. Here are some tips for checking the charges and understanding the costs associated with your new drug plan: … Continued

  • Update Social Security Cola For Next Year Could Be 6 2

    Perhaps the single biggest difference between Ponzi schemes and Social Security is you and your vote. Voters have a tremendous influence in the choices that elected Members of Congress make to ensure that the program remains sound today and in the future. Social Security has been in continuous operation since 193Ponzi's scheme lasted barely 200 days. .The Supplemental Poverty Measure reflects out-of-pocket medical spending and adjusts for the cost of living depending on where you live which are not taken into account by the official poverty measure. Here are some key findings from the analysis: .This week, President Obama released his fiscal 2015 budget blueprint. In addition, The Senior Citizens League's (TSCL's) Board of Trustees traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with four lawmakers and their top aides, and TSCL saw . … Continued

What Was I Thinking? .The billion could be financed without taking money from the Social Security Trust Fund. One way is through reduction of pork barrel spending and government waste. In the fiscal year 2001 budget alone, pork "watch-dog" Senator John McCain (AZ-R) estimated that the government would spend a record billion in pork-barrel projects. .Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-2) introduced H.R. 4998 on June 26, 201It has since been referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. .While President Obama spent much of his speech to the nation discussing economic policies, he did take the time to direct a message to legislators in attendance. The President pleaded that lawmakers send him immigration reform legislation that would enable illegal immigrants to earn their citizenship so he could "sign it right away." President Obama said he is "prepared to make reforms" that would "rein in the long-term costs" of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs. .In our meetings on Capitol Hill, we're frequently told that Notch reform would more likely be addressed when Congress takes action on comprehensive Social Security reform, as it appears to be interested in doing now. TSCL is meeting with Members of Congress to ensure that Notch Reform is considered. .Medicare Advantage plans have somewhat different costs. If the stay is considered observation care, however, that is covered under Medicare Part B, which means you will have a copayment for each individual outpatient hospital service. In addition, Part B doesn't cover most prescription drugs that are received in an outpatient setting. Perhaps even more importantly, the lack of inpatient status also disqualifies you from receiving Medicare-covered care in a skilled nursing facility or nursing home. .As seniors know from experience, even as we face ever-higher prescription drug prices every year, we face increased Medicare premiums but also reduced Social Security COLAs. .Social Security Notch Reform – Work towards benefit equality for Notch victims. .The future of the AHCA remains uncertain in the House, and in the Senate, lawmakers have been even more cautious about its prospects. On Wednesday, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (TX) said: "Once [House lawmakers] pass the bill, my assumption is, the Senate's going to take a look at it but not necessarily be rubber-stamping what they're proposing. I would anticipate that we'll do what we used to do all the time which is, the House will pass a bill, we'll pass a bill, and then we'll reconcile those in a conference committee."