Category Legislative News Page 29
The trillion Senate Republican stimulus proposal comes with a measure that could curb federal spending in the future by reducing costs tied to Social Security, Medicare, and highway trust funds. .The age at which you start Social Security is for most people the biggest financial decision you will ever make. But according to TSCL's annual Senior Survey, 71% of survey participants said that prior to starting Social Security benefits, they had no idea of the amount of money they could expect over a typical 20 to 30 year retirement. That lack of financial information can have big consequences for your standard of living in retirement, your success at making your retirement finances last, and ultimately how much you enjoy retirement. .Older adults age 65 and up have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-1Because retirees depend on Social Security for a major share of their income, they tend to spend their benefits on essentials right away. We feel that boosting the inflation adjustment is an important way to get crucial extra cash to older Americans and back into our nation's economy. … Continued
H R 4144 Seniors And Veterans Emergency Save Benefits Act
For details, or to see if your Members of Congress will be holding town hall meetings during the summer recess, call their local offices. You can find contact information HERE. .The opinions expressed in "Congressional Corner" reflect the views of the writer and are not necessarily those of TSCL. .Mary Johnson … Continued
In his opening statement, Dr. Conway said, "This proposal is part of the Administration's broader strategy to encourage better care, smarter spending, and healthier people by paying for what works, unlocking health care data, and finding new ways to coordinate and integrate care to improve quality." .Legislation to help state is urgently needed because some of them are already cutting Medicaid. States are required by law to balance their budgets and Medicaid is one of the largest items in the budgets of many states. And of course, cuts to Medicaid hurt some of the most vulnerable seniors as well as others who could not otherwise afford the health care they need. .The most important thing people nearing retirement should consider doing is to delay starting benefits until age 70, the report says. After reaching full retirement age, benefits will grow 8 percent per year after for each year delayed, until age 70. "The higher your benefit and COLA, the easier it will be to cover Medicare Part B and other healthcare costs in retirement," Johnson says. .The week ended with a live speech from President Trump heralding the new legislation passed recently that makes mandatory the transparency of the cost of hospital treatments, supplies and prescriptions. Of most interest to TSCL is the high cost of prescription drugs. During our meetings with Congressional offices this week we left information with all of them concerning a large number of issues we are working on including prescription drug prices. .TSCL will be keeping a close eye on the budget discussions in the weeks ahead since a government shutdown could impact the Social Security and Medicare programs negatively. We will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website, or over on our Facebook page. .You will want to sign up for both Part A (hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (doctor's and outpatient insurance.) Medicare Part A usually does not cost anything since the Medicare payroll taxes withheld from workers' paychecks pay for Part A. Currently the base premium for Medicare Part B (for individuals with incomes less than ,000) is 5.50 per month. Medicare will send you a bill for three months at a time. You will need 6.50 for that first bill, and please note how quickly you must send it back (usually before the end of the month you received your bill.) There are several ways to pay. If you would prefer monthly billing, you may request that, but after you send in your first payment. Carefully read the information on your monthly bill to learn what you will need to do in order to request monthly billing. .A monthly supply of diabetes drug Lantus Solostar, for example, ranges from a high of 2.00 from the mail - order pharmacy of First Health Part D Value Plus plan to a low of .75 from the network retail pharmacies for SilverScript Choice, a difference of 4.25 per month. .This week, The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) successfully hosted its first ever town hall meeting. Meanwhile, action on Capitol Hill remained slow as Members of both Houses of Congress remained in their home states and districts for the August recess. .I turn 65 later this year and I'm in good health. How much will Medicare premiums cost, and what other costs will I have? I do not get health insurance where I work.