1 7 Percent Cola Forecast 2015 Sixth Consecutive Year Record Low Colas Unprecedented Says Senior Citizens League Tscl
In addition, since 1992 there has been a significant change to the government's bottom line. For the government fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported a surplus of 6 billion- billion of which comes from non Social Security revenues. The CBO estimates the 10-year non-Social Security surplus to be about .1 trillion. .TSCL is continuing to meet with Members of Congress to ask for their support and passage of "The Notch Fairness Act" which was recently re-introduced in the U.S. House by Representative Mike McIntyre (D-NC), and in the Senate by Senator David Vitter (R-LA). The legislation, seeks to correct a disparity in benefits caused the last time Congress overhauled the Social Security benefit formula in 1977. .In addition, twelve new cosponsors signed on to the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act (H.R. 242) this week, bringing the total up to twenty-nine. The new cosponsors are: Representatives Zoe Lofgren (CA-19), Thomas Suozzi (NY-3), John Sarbanes (MD-3), Peter DeFazio (OR-4), Chellie Pingree (ME-1), Brad Sherman (CA-30), Peter Visclosky (IN-1), Earl Blumenauer (OR-3), Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2), Jared Huffman (CA-2), Dave Loebsack (IA-2), and Jamie Raskin (MD-8). … Continued
Ask The Advisor How Can I Stop Deductions For Part D And Only Keep Part B
The coverage offered through the state of Virginia, however, didn't offer the same additional benefits, and would cost Paula a monthly premium of 0 in 200If she chose to "opt out," Paula would not be able to receive Medicare supplemental coverage or drug coverage through her former employer in the future. .And one more supporter said: "At present I am spending out of pocket each month and I fear that will only get worse as I age." .It's no longer a matter of 'if' Congress will cut Social Security and Medicare, but "when" most policy observers now believe. Much will depend on Congressional budget negotiations in coming weeks as lawmakers address the extent to which borrowing can continue for payment of Social Security and Medicare benefits. … Continued
In an interview this week, Rep. Charles Boustany (LA-3), who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, revealed that the negotiators have hit a road block. They are struggling to come up with an offset for the bill, which could cost as much as 3.2 billion. Rep. Boustany said, "We're running out of time. We may end up with another one-year patch before it's all over. But, you know, we'll keep working, see if we can get to something." TSCL sincerely hopes that those on the three committees will successfully merge their bills to create a permanent, sustainable path forward. We will keep a close eye on the evolving negotiations in the coming weeks, and we will continue to urge lawmakers to repeal and replace the SGR. .Their new estimate says that universal masking in the U.S. could save some 130,000 lives by the end of February. .Tax legislation enacted at the end of last year makes significant changes that touch virtually all taxpayers. While most of the new provisions have consequences for the 2018 tax year and thereafter, there are at least a few things that pertain to the 2017 tax returns of older taxpayers. (Remember, as always, nothing in this newsletter constitutes legal or tax advice. Please consult tax advisors with your tax questions and for assistance in making decisions.) .My Mom Is Applying For Assisted Living: Why Must She Agree To Mandatory Arbitration? .In presenting the award, TSCL Chairman Larry Hyland stated: "Congressman McIntyre's dedication and commitment to defending the benefits of seniors is greatly appreciated and has not gone unnoticed … By taking a stand, he brings seniors one step closer to the retirement security they deserve." TSCL was pleased to announce Rep. McIntyre as the recipient of the 2012 Seniors Advocate Award this week, and we are grateful for his hard work on behalf of seniors across the country. .In addition, Avik Roy – Co-Founder and President of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity – suggested that lawmakers focus on increased transparency in the pharmaceutical industry. He said if action is not taken reduce prescription drug prices, "the poor, vulnerable, and elderly have the most to lose." .The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) agrees that lawmakers must pass legislation soon to address the growing costs of prescription drugs for older Americans. Comprehensive legislation like the Prescription Drug Affordability Act (S. 2023, H.R. 3513) would go a long way in making life-saving medications more affordable for Medicare beneficiaries, and we will continue to advocate for it in the months ahead. In the meantime, we are hopeful that officials at CMS will move forward slowly and thoughtfully with the Part B demonstration program to avoid harsh impacts on beneficiaries. For updates on the progress of the demonstration program, follow TSCL on Twitter or visit the Legislative News section of our website. .Senior Medicare Patrol Saved Millions in 2013 .Instead, that money has gone into the pockets of the wealthy. Now Republicans want to cut benefits for hard - working Americans. They want to harm the most vulnerable among us, including manufacturing a crisis to put disabled Americans at risk of facing a nearly 20% cut in benefits, even while they provide more tax breaks for the wealthy and for corporations.