
  • Benefit Bulletin June 2017

    To remedy this problem, TSCL supports Social Security "caregiving credits." These credits would be applied to a worker's Social Security earnings record to make up for years when people took time out of their working careers, and earned little or zero income, because they were caring for children, spouses, or older family members. .Social Security and Medicare are the targets of a growing number of new budget plans aimed at reducing federal spending. President Obama's Fiscal Commission recently voted 11-7 to cut Social Security benefits for all seniors, and require beneficiaries to pay substantially more for their Medicare. .Early Efforts to Hold Congress to Its Promise Leads to a Notch Commission … Continued

  • Legislative Update Week Ending November 7 2014

    Social Security is a promise our country must keep. If you work and pay into the system, you should have the opportunity to retire with dignity and respect. This promise is part of what makes America exceptional — the idea that after a lifetime of work, Americans deserve security in retirement. .Early Thursday morning, following a seven-hour voting marathon, lawmakers in the Senate passed a budget resolution that includes instructions for four committees – two in the House and two in the Senate – to craft legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The resolution passed with a vote of 51-48, without the support of any Senate Democrats. While casting her vote, Senator Claire McCaskill (MO) – who serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs – said: "Because there is no replace, I vote no." .TSCL agrees, and we enthusiastically support the PRIME Act. We look forward to working with Reps. Roskam and Carney through the remainder of the 114th Congress to help build support for the critical piece of legislation. … Continued

TSCL Endorses New COLA Bill .Retirees' budgets take a beating when prescription drug prices rise faster than the annual cost – of – living adjustments (COLAs). But new legislation moving in the Senate would address that problem. The drug bill would require drug manufacturers to pay rebates when prices rise faster than inflation. Lobbying groups for drug manufacturers don't like the idea. .Premium support by itself is no shoo-in for cutting federal spending. In fact, the track record is pretty messy. The costs for Medicare Part D have been lower than originally projected. Competition between Part D drug plans seems to be working, for now, to keep costs down both for the government and for some seniors — particularly those who carefully shop and compare drug plans each year. .Did you wind up owing federal income tax last year or this tax season due to the effects of the Making Work Pay Tax Credit? TSCL is concerned that senior taxpayers were disproportionately affected by implementation problems of the Making Work Pay Tax Credit, and is conducting an online to survey to learn how they were affected. .Click here to add your name to a petition, learn how you can help, or take a poll. .However, the statisticians behind it at the University of Washington have since changed their methods, and they now estimate that doing away with social distancing measures could entail vast numbers of deaths, and that widespread mask-wearing in public could save tens of thousands of lives. .Sources: 0.3% COLA Announced, The Social Security Administration, October 19, 201"Long Term Impact of Low COLA Growth," Mary Johnson, TSCL, August 31, 2016. .An immigration program launched by the Obama Administration two years ago has issued valid, work-authorized Social Security numbers to about 600,000 applicants who attest to be in the country illegally. The program, known as "Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals," is one of a series of administrative amnesty initiatives by President Obama to stop deportations of immigrants and let undocumented immigrants who meet the qualifications work in this country despite illegal status. Now immigration activists are pressuring President Obama and Members of Congress to expand the Deferred Action program, or pass immigration reform. .Before Obamacare "Glitch," There Was The Notch Glitch